Friday 20 January 2017

Filming Diary: Day 1

Filming Day: Day 1
Date: Sunday 15th January
Location: Stoneleigh Station

On our first day of filming, we had most of the actors however one couldn’t make it. Therefore we worked around this issue and filmed as much as we could. We did lots of different shots, some of the same shots but at different angles so when it comes to editing we then have a choice on what angle of shot we want to use.

We decided to start filming at 16:00 as we needed to have a dark atmosphere. The makeup and costume were done beforehand this made the process of filming faster.

The first shot was of one of the teenage girls tied up against the train station sign. Then another shot we did was having a girl on the train when she’s dying and the train doors open. For this the actor and one of us had to get on the train and go to Ewell West, to then change train and come back. This took a while as there was a wait for the next train. Once the train stopped at Stoneleigh the actor acted, then had to go to Worcester Park to change train again to come back as there wasn’t enough time to get off the train after the shot was done. As a group we decided not to repeat the shot as it was very time consuming. We were very lucky to get the shot first time.

After this we go a lot of running shots. Some makeup had to be redone as the rain was making it peel off. This was a problem as this too was time consuming. Throughout the afternoon, the sky got darker so this created more of an atmosphere for our filming.

Below is a shot video to show what we got up to on the day. 

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