Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Costume and Props Research

Costume and Props Research

As a group we had to think about the props and costumes that we'd need to film. One factor we have to take into consideration was the type of clothing for two reasons: 1) We had to think about what teenagers would wear on a day out to London. And 2) We had to think that we'd use fake blood or red paint which could be messy and hard to get out of clothes.

We then did some research about types of clothing and we decided that for the two teenage girls they'd be in:
  • Jeans
  • Crop top
  • Flannel Shirt
We decided the jeans as everyone would have them and they're typically part of a teenage outfit. The crop top was the same reason, then we could 'pre-ruin' them. The flannel shirt was because this is typical fashion and practically it would help keep them warm during filming. 

Then we decided for the two teenage boys that they'd be wearing:
  • Jeans 
  • Pale colour shirt
We needed a pale colour shirt because we needed the blood to be visible on the clothes. We then again wanted jeans as this is the fashion for teenagers now. 

For the props we will need dark black boots as when the doors open to the train we will see the dark black boots. We will also need a pretend knife so the killer can drop it which will show how he has injured and killed the victims. The clothing and knife will be covered in fake blood to show what it was used for too. Alongside this, we will need rope to show the victims have been tied. Petrol (we will use water) will also be a prop as this could be very dangerous otherwise to the actors.  

To keep the actors safe, we will make sure they feel comfortable before filming them, also if they’re tied up we won’t make the knots too tight. We will survey the filming area to make sure there are no hazards too. 

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