Thursday 22 September 2016

The Action Genre: Codes and Conventions

The Action Genre: Codes and Conventions
  • 12/15 certificate to maximise youth audiences
  • Often a mixture of multiple genres (such as sci-fi, adventure and romance)
  • Fast paced editing and use of CGI
  • Dramatic non-diegetic sound
  • Using famous Hollywood actors who are known to be in action films (e.g. Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Leonardo Di Caprio)
  • Romantic sub plot and funny dialogue
  • High key lighting
  • Man/Woman hero
  • Quick moving narrative which set-backs which are overcome by the characters

  • Characters have to be believable (even if the story line isn’t)
  • A reasonably normal main character who has “magical superpowers” or incredible, unhuman abilities
  • Characters take situations very seriously as they’re normally in danger of death

  • Stereotypical world that is relatable for the audience
  • Exotic locations where the characters have to contend with extremes of climate, as well as evil forces.

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