Saturday, 18 March 2017

EVALUATION ACTIVITY 8 What targets will you set yourself for G324 next year?


What targets will you set yourself for G324 next year?

We think overall our opening was a success and we had predominantly included everything we wanted to include, used a range of camera angles and shot lengths as well as focusing on making it as intriguing to watch as possible for the audience. However if we were to do this again, we would put more time and effort into the planning stage and potentially have a clearer storyline that everyone would understand and also focus more on the soundtrack and potentially make our own music. We believe our storyline is uncommon as it opens with the end of our film and involves a clock ticking down to the final seconds before it goes back to the start of the day again. We understand this may confuse some viewers however we believe if they are fully focused and engaged they will understand.   

Next year we are going to incorporate the skills we have learnt this year and adding new skills and techniques we will pick up along the way, enabling us to improve our next project. This will involve us going out and doing more research into the technical areas, eg. What mise-en-scene we will include, how we will edit the project to make it look realistic and release a certain tone, use different camera angles to reflect characters moods and show the setting in different lights and finally improve the sound quality for example dialogue.


Mis-en-scene: Be clear on what props we are going to use and make sure they suit the style of media we are presenting. Try and make them look more realistic.

Camera composition: Use a range of angles to reflect certain character emotions and maybe hold the shot for longer (links to editing)

Editing: Have more long shots, just as effective in building tension. I would also like to develop my use of special effects.

Sound: Improve sound quality eg. Dialogue is more clear and easy to understand. Use more sound effects.

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