Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Script: Preliminary Task


Walking on sunshine’ plays (sarcastically) and appears to be coming from her headphones.

[Shot of girl walking up towards the building, pathway is a third of the way up the screen]
[Close up of her legs/feet as she is walking]
[A medium shot of her approach to the door and lifting her arm to open it]
[A match on action shot of her trying to open the door]
 [Close up shot as she turns her face towards the and reveals her embarrassed expression as the door doesn’t open]

‘Bad day’ begins to play

[eye rolls at the camera for the predictability of the diegetic sound- breaks the fourth wall]
[Medium shot of her moving along the door to find another door and opening it]
[Long shot tracking her from the inside of the building as she walks towards her friends. The shot continues as she sits down and she removes her earphones
[Over the shoulder shot from girl 2 to the girl 1 – Use the 300 rule at this point]

GIRL 1: Awks lol

[Over the shoulder shot back from girl 1 to girl 2]

GIRL 2: That always happens to you!

GIRL 1&2: {laughing}

[High and diagonal angle captures their laughter as the shot fades out]

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