Thursday 13 October 2016

Romance Genre: Codes, Conventions and Target Audience

Romance Genre: Codes, Conventions and Target Audience
  • Normally a strong female lead who is pursuing an attractive male
  • Includes sexuality, romance and kissing
  • Frequently, a voiceover can be used to introduce the theme of love
  • Set somewhere with a realistic chance of romance occurring (eg the beach, school, on holiday)
  • It is common for wide angled shots to be used to establish the setting
  • A bride or groom getting left at the alter
  • A gay bestfriend who can tell the female lead exactly what to do
  • Dance can normally save a romance
  • An emotional scene in an airport where a flight is cancelled, or someone is chasing their partner to stop them getting on a flight
  • Love triangles
  • Props: flowers, umbrellas in the rain, picnic blankets
Target audience is commonly a female from age 12 upwards due to the certificate being either 12 or 15 to maximise the audience. Women are attracted to the films due to a strong, attractive male role and also the fact that they like romance films as they like to compare their life to it.

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